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NOVOMATIC AG has agreed to sign an agreement in the case with Newton Slots for the benefit of the industry

Company -

The outcome in the case of the dispute between NOVOMATIC AG and the Bellatrix Group, regarding the operation of some counterfeit gaming equipment, had a positive ending for both parties, and the process was completed. Moreover, based on the Newton Slots project and the agreed measures, hundred counterfeit equipment were successfully replaced with original NOVOMATIC products.

Following some misunderstandings regarding the infringement of intellectual property rights held by NOVOMATIC AG, Dragoș Buriu (no. Owned by the Bellatrix Group), through Newton Slots, provided a successful program to connect slot machine equipment to the ONJN system for gambling organizers. In 2019, NOVOMATIC Romania reached an agreement with Dragoș Buriu, based on it an agreement was signed, the parties reconciled, and the criminal complaint was withdrawn.

A special offer powered by NOVOMATIC Romania was created for Newton Slots clients, each one benefited for counselling in order to return counterfeit equipment and motherboards in the best conditions, accessories and free service. Customers had the opportunity to purchase in 12 or 24 instalments original NOVOMATIC equipment, with the latest game mixes or to rent them. Also, vouchers worth € 500 were offered in case of return of counterfeit motherboards and € 1,000 for each equipment returned, both in case of purchases and leases. So far, 326 devices have already been scrapped by NOVOMATIC Romania based on this project.

,, It is a new confirmation of the fact that the gambling industry seeks to find legal and efficient solutions to protect partners, customers and players, but also to stabilize the image of a reliable industry on the Romanian market. We are glad that this outcome was possible due to conciliation and that past misunderstandings and negotiations had a positive outcome. Our main concern is the development of the industry, the alignment with new technologies, the creation of a competitive and fair business climate, so that, together, we can be able to complete this process based on a convenient offer for all parties involved. ", Valentin-Adrian GEORGESCU, CEO of NOVOMATIC Romania.

According to the signed agreement, Newton Slots undertook to promote the original NOVOMATIC products, in exchange for organizers to return the counterfeit products. Newton Slots periodically sent notifications to their customers, informing them about the preferential offer that NOVOMATIC Romania has for changing counterfeit products, depending on the number of those handed. They also notified customers that they would no longer provide maintenance to those who use counterfeit products, and offered those who changed the equipment, for 12 months, free of charge, the license for the connection program.

,, We offer our support for original products and hope to start large-scale projects between NOVOMATIC Romania and Newton Slots in the years to come. I would like to thank, in particular, Mr. Valentin-Adrian GEORGESCU, for the openness he has shown in finding conciliation solutions in this process, not only for the benefit of the parties, but, above all, for the benefit of partners and players. I also thank the team of lawyers, Adrian Gheorghiță and Costin Gudu, whose strategy made this process end successfully. ”said Dragoș Buriu, CEO of Newton Slots.

Infringement of intellectual property rights, illegal copies of original products and illegal exploitation bring various criminal consequences to the black market of industry. Over the years, NOVOMATIC Romania has had repeated initiatives against this phenomenon and is committed to continuing the fight against piracy through actions that will meet customers and operators.
